Sunday, October 25, 2009

Day Two - September 4, 2009

Hi, everyone. 

The latest word is that Reid and Martha are comfortably set up at OHSU in Portland.  They will be allowed to share a room together.  It will be an "isolation room,"so no one gets in without a gown and a mask.  Reid will likely start chemo tomorrow, and it's going to be a long haul.  The initial word (from RVMC) was to expect a two-week stay, but OHSU is now saying to expect a month.  The folks at OHSU are not quite so sanguine about the AML diagnosis, and want to wait for the bone marrow biopsy to come back before they make a truly definitive diagnosis.  But they're going ahead with the induction chemo either way.  We'll know more about the diagnosis (and, if it is AML, what type) soon.

Reid's doc wants him on fewer pain meds (for the horrible sore throat and aches/pains) so that he can actually be up and moving around the floor.  Wants Reid to be treated as less "sick" than they were treating him at RVMC, says if you are treated sick, then you act sick.  Martha likes his attitude.

Martha's exhausted, as you can imagine.  Reid's spirits have been good, but the enormity of the situation is starting to sink in.  Martha emphasized again that she would prefer not to be getting phone calls. . . she just got an online connection tonight, and so she might be able to provide email updates herself soon.

Please call or email me if you have any questions.  More tomorrow, no doubt.
With love,

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