Sunday, October 25, 2009

Day Seventeen - September 19, 2009

Dearest Friends and Family ~
There'll be a "latest" update on Reid in the next day or so.
For now, as I catch my breath with Sarah and Ginny, and Reid savors the joyful energy of his big sis, Megan (who will soon return to Spain) and time with his dad and his step-pop,
I am sending you a beautiful meditation and a photo that offers my answer to the question: "What can you tell me about September?"
With love, Martha

~ Thursday, September 17, 2009 ~ OHSU, Portland, Oregon ~ Reid David Honeywell & his Mama ~

September Meditation

I do not know if the seasons remember their history or if the days and
nights by which we count time remember their own passing.
I do not know if the oak tree remembers its planting or if the pine
remembers its slow climb toward sun and stars.
I do not know if the squirrel remembers last fall's gathering or if the
bluejay remembers the meaning of snow.
I do not know if the air remembers September
 or if the night remembers the moon.
I do not know if the earth remembers the flowers from last spring or if
the evergreen remembers that it shall stay so.
Perhaps that is the reason for our births -- to be the memory for creation.
Perhaps salvation is something very different than anyone ever expected.
Perhaps this will be the only question we will have to answer:
"What can you tell me about September?"

~ Burton D. Carley ~

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