Sunday, October 25, 2009

Day Seven - Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Hi, folks.  Below is a forward of the latest message from Reid's dad, Scott, who's been up in Portland caring for the lad.  Scott's mom emailed me a message yesterday, which read, in part, that "When [Scott] arrived and saw Reid for the first time he said it felt so good to hold him in his arms. And [Scott] was pleasantly surprised at how much better [Reid] looked than he expected."  I like the sound of that!

----- Original Message -----
From: scotth
To: Carolyn Anderson
Sent: Wednesday, September 09, 2009 4:39 PM
Subject: Re: Reid's Status 09.08.09 (supplemental)

Hi Carolyn; here's a few lines from this afternoon.

Hi All; everyday, newness, hopefulness and more cleanliness--the ultimate now: 14th floor. Bone marrow transplants take disinfecting to a heightened state of alert, which doesn't necessarily pertain to Reid as his "family" of Acute Myeloid Leukemia types has yet to narrowed down from 7 to the nasty culprit that got him into this fine mess (hopefully to be determined by weeks end). But since he has arrived, protocol is critical for everyone, possibly disqualifying more than one of his chums scheduled to hit town en mass come Sunday. Coughs, colds and runny noses have to wait outside.
Until today, nothing could have boosted Reid's spirits so well as a girl friend's gentle embrace and if kissing through one of those scratchy masks was possible Reid and Emily would surely have discovered it by now. Reid's social worker, Keren McCord offered insights yesterday and today while Pete, daughter Bethany and I shared habits, traits and character flaws. Once finished with ours we dug up a few on Reid and Emily. What turmoil their young lives have found. Our hearty clarion optimism trumpeting on high will fall on tender ears 'til time makes all things clear. Meanwhile, dear ones, keep those cards and letters comin:-) The dad.

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